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Typography is a fundamental need of web development. I have defined the font-size, font-family, font-weight and spacing for the design system employed throughout the component library.


Font Famliy used in the documentation library for font-size is mentioned in the table below.

Class Name
Famliy BlinkMacSystemFont, -apple-system, 'Segoe UI', Roboto, Oxygen, Ubuntu, Cantarell, 'Fira Sans', 'Droid Sans', 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;


Font classes used in the documentation library for font-size are mentioned in the table below.

Class Size Line-Height
xs 8px 16px
sm 16px 24px
md 24px 32px
lg 32px 40px
xl 48px 64px
XL-text Font-Size: 48px LG-text Font-Size: 32px MD-text Font-Size: 24px SM-text Font-Size: 16px XS-text Font-Size: 8px
<span class="xl primary">XL-text Font-Size: 48px</span>
<span class="lg primary">LG-text Font-Size: 32px</span>
<span class="md primary">MD-text Font-Size: 24px</span>
<span class="sm primary">SM-text Font-Size: 16px</span>
<span class="xs primary">XS-text Font-Size: 8px</span>


Font classes used in the documentation library for font weight are mentioned in the table below.

Class Weight
lt 300
reg 400
sb 600
bd 700
bl 800
LT-text Font-Weight: 300 REG-text Font-Weight: 400 SB-text Font-Weight: 600 BD-text Font-Weight: 800 BL-text Font-Weight: 900
<span class="md lt primary">LT-text Font-Weight: 300</span>
<span class="md reg primary">REG-text Font-Weight: 400</span>
<span class="md sb primary">SB-text Font-Weight: 600</span>
<span class="md bd primary">BD-text Font-Weight: 800</span>
<span class="md bl primary">BL-text Font-Weight: 900</span>


Padding spaces used in the documentation library are mentioned in the table below.

Class Space
n-s 0
xs-s 8px
sm-s 16px
md-s 24px
lg-s 32px
xl-s 48px
xxl-s 64px
<span class="xs-s pd-eg"></span>
<span class="sm-s pd-eg"></span>
<span class="md-s pd-eg"></span>
<span class="lg-s pd-eg"></span>
<span class="xl-s pd-eg"></span>
<span class="xxl-s pd-eg"></span>

Text Align

Classes used text alignment in the documentation library are mentioned in the table below.

Class Align
srt start
end end
cen center

Flex Container classes

Use these flex classes to automatically align content inside a container. Refer the table for details.

Class Align-Items Justify-Content Wrap
flex-ct-ct center center wrap
flex-ct-st center start wrap
flex-st-ct start center wrap
flex-st-st start start wrap
flex-ed-ct end center wrap
flex-ct-ed center end wrap
flex-ed-ed end end wrap
flex-ct-sb center space-between wrap
flex-sb-ct space-between center wrap
Class Direction
flex-vertical Column